Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Day 1 #julybookwormchallenge

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1M8WsoS

July TBR. This does not include the books for #tbrtakedownreadathon2 or the book for the girls in capes book club. 

July Reading Challenge!

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1Hty0I9

Soooo I'm late with starting this, but I'm super excited anyway.  A couple might be problematic, but we'll see!!!

Instagram Read-A-Thon for July!

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1O9qaZ2

1: a book on your shelf that you have been putting off for ages.
2: a book you bought but never read..
3: A guilty pleasure book (such as a child's book you have always wanted to read OR RE-READ!)
4: a graphic novel on your tbr list'!
5: a book recommended to you by a friend that you just never picked up!
6: any book on your tbr that is NOT YA.

Shouldn't be too hard, right?  I read like crazy.  This is from July 16th to 21st.  Five days, six books?  Meh, no biggie.  Right?  Right?!

Here's what I'm planning on reading:

  1. The Princess Bride
  2. Interview with a Vampire
  3. One of the Mercy Thompson series
  4. Ms. Marvel Vol 1: No Normal
  5. Ancillary Justics
  6. American Gods

Somehow this feels ambitious.  Way ambitious.  But hey, fortune favors the bold.