Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Weekly Goals

Let's see how I did last week:

1) Work on counted cross-stitch NOPE
2) Take hold of my email inbox - it's getting out of control A LITTLE BIT
3) Cut out my next sewing project NOPE

It was a perfect storm week.  I'll spare you the nitty gritty details, but I was miserable and barely functioning as a human being.  So nothing really got done.  I was doing everything I could do convince myself that the sky (or the roof/ceiling) wasn't going to fall down on my head.  I seem to have the fatigue and whatnot under control now so I can actually set goals that I'll accomplish - rather than hoping beyond hope that I'll be something other than a zombie and creating goals just to create them.

Now, for this week I'll attempt to:

1) Take hold of my email inbox - this is critical.
2) Cut out my next sewing project - if I want to have any chance of completing anything for March, this must happen

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