Monday, May 19, 2014

Unexpected Hiatus

So, I dropped off the face of the planet for a bit - I got really sick, and then really depressed... and I just shut down for a couple of months.  I've since started going back to work, and possibly most importantly, I've started forgiving myself for my bad days.

Because I do have them - the days where the pain is just too much; my legs are too weak to hold me; my body is just incapable of doing the things I want to do.  And a good day can become a bad day out of nowhere.  I've accepted that while it's not ok that my body does this - it's not my fault.  I shouldn't blame myself for what's going on.  I'm not a failure because my body just can't function one day.

I'm doing a lot better now.  I've joined a couple of book clubs, and I'm becoming more and more involved with a couple of animal rescues and shelters.  I'm making friends, and my life feels way more open in general - so many possibilities... as long as my body holds out.

Anyways, I've started reading for pleasure again.  I'm going to be attempting a couple of reading challenges to try to direct my reading and give it a bit of purpose.  I'll add a page of challenges/books with links to their reviews on Goodreads.

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