Wednesday, January 21, 2015


It's January.  A new year - a "fresh start" - a time to make resolutions to make yourself/your life better.  Usually, (unless you're particularly stubborn) these resolutions fall by the wayside relatively quickly.

This is why I have chosen resolutions that can be broken down into tiny TINY steps and work with the overall of where I want my life to go.  These resolutions are themes that I know I struggle with and would like to do things to try to be more mindful of each of these themes.  Plus - I don't want to set myself up for failure.

Theme 1: Physical Self-Care

For the past year and a half, I have struggled with as-yet-undiagnosed pain and fatigue.  Doctors don't know why I have these issues.  So, in 2015, I resolve to be more conscious of my physical state and to work towards a pain/fatigue free life.

What does this mean on a day to day basis ?  I will pay attention to my body.  If I am in pain, I will not suffer through it - I will actively work to alleviate pain.  I will be more conscious of how much I move throughout the day (thanks to my Fitbit Flex!).  I will also be more conscious as to what I am eating.  This is not to say I'm going to give up sugar or caffeine or anything like that (at least not all at once) - but I'll be just be aware that I tend to binge on Starbursts when I'm stressed and that I tend to not drink enough liquids in a day and things of that nature.  It is my hope that if I continue to be aware, that I will create better habits that will carry throughout the year and be the bedrock to making larger, healthier changes like moving to a paleo or vegan diet, beginning to workout regularly, etc.

Theme 2: Emotional Self-Care

I started going to a psychologist in 2014, and it has been an eye opener.  I carry a lot of sadness, anger, and lack of self-identity with me.  And although I carry these emotions with me, I have no idea how to process them – so I don’t, and frequently, turn them inwards… at myself.  So this year, I resolve to take care of myself emotionally.  I will indulge in anger, allow sadness to roll over me, and not analyze every self-image decision I make.  I will not question my urge to wear bright pink lipstick.  I will attempt not to be afraid to be me.  I will take time for me. 
I will sew for myself.  I will take baths.  I will make sure my nails are the way I want them (this is where Jamberry steps in).  I will drink tea.  I will take time to “egg up” if necessary and hide away from the world.  I will take care not to overwhelm myself.   I will concentrate on communicating how I am feeling to the people around me. 

Theme 3: Financial Self-Care

My savings were crucial during several points in 2014.  I relied on them when pet expenses included unplanned surgeries, and the adoption of Matthias.  I plan on building them back up – one $5 at a time.  Whenever I receive a $5 bill, I will save it.  I will also make an effort to use cash more often – that way I am more conscious of what I spend.  Now that I have combined finances with R, things are a bit more complicated, but also much simpler.  There’s no longer the argument as to who is going to pay for what – it all comes out of our account.  And there is a discussion when someone wants to buy something – so impulse spending is lessened significantly.  With the move, I can now eat lunch at home – another way to keep costs to a minimum.

Well, there we go - three themes.  

Here's to 2015!

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