Saturday, October 5, 2013

Who am I?

I am having an identity crisis.

Well, I feel better now that it's out in the open.  I've been trying to find stationary in order to fulfill both #9 and #55 of my 101 in 1001 list, and I'm having trouble deciding what to get.  There are so many great choices out there, but I don't know what my aesthetic is.  What am I trying to say?  Who am I trying to be?  What is my personal branding?  Who am I?

I've been feeling very feminine in my color choices lately, leaning more towards pink. navy and green (and combinations of such).  I'm currently wearing a navy and green striped dress I picked up from The Gap.  (Yes, friends, I am at work in a dress... another nod to me embracing my feminine side)  My apartment decor plans have started to be less nebulous as I explore what I find aesthetically pleasing and why I dislike other things.  

I know I live for natural light, so I feel that my apartment should reflect that.  Right now most of my living room is inhabited by large, dark pieces of furniture.  They do not convey a sense of "light".  Instead, they clunk and I almost feel as though they are depressing me, being so large and dark.  That being said, I also need to be somewhat practical.  The furniture gets a lot of use, and I can't choose anything that will show too much wear.  I know it's just me and the lovely kitties, but man, those guys shed like CRAZY, and if I'm not up on my cleaning game, it'll become a giant mess of cat hair.  Cat hair everywhere!

Quite a bit of my furniture is from Ikea or is Ikea-like in it's construction.  I've been looking up how to paint those.  I think having those painted will make such a difference.  The internet is filled with amazing "after"s where people have taken something meh or horrid and turned it into something cheery and lovely.  It's really inspired me to try to do something.  Of course, I'll agonize over it and whether it's the right pattern or colors or if so-and-so will be mad if I do it... etc.  But, this time I'm feeling way more confident in my ability to "go with my gut" on this sort of thing that I might actually get around to doing something with it!  

I'd still like to work with an interior designer, just to see how they would translate what I see in my head for inspiration into reality.
As for my health, it's been a rough few days.  I've succeeded in going to work some days, and others I've been bed/couch-ridden due to the pain.  Overall, it seems I am ever so slightly better than last week.  Called the doctor today for the three week checkup since upping my fibro medication's dosage.  He's prescribed something different to try to help me sleep, and I'm to keep on keeping on with the fibro dosage.  Apparently it'll be easier to evaluate if it's really working once I can sleep through the night properly.  Makes sense.  I knew there wasn't going to be an easy fix to what ails me, and I'm in this for the long haul.  Once I start sleeping better, I'll begin working out to regain my strength.  


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