Wednesday, February 4, 2015

January Favorites

I want to visit this Wizard of Oz theme park so badly.

Could you live on $5000 a year?  This guy can and loves it.

I don't like Doritos, though I won't say no to them, but this could be why many people can't get enough of them.

This article in the New Yorker about a woman's experience with chronic disease brought me to tears one morning.

Jen, over at Epbot, always finds the BEST STUFF!  She also has amazing tutorials.

I'm seriously considering this Craftsy class on making your own bras.

Long Live the Queen!

I did a research internship one summer studying graphene, and this information makes me giddy.

I have some love for Anne Hathaway, and her response to being compared to Amal Clooney is adorable.

SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is my biggest fear related to children, but the way this family is handling the tragedy is inspiring.

Some people are yelling conspiracy about this girl's discovery, but I don't see it as anything other than proving that we are all genetically linked somehow.

I think this new app that identifies toxic friends based upon your physical reaction to them is fascinating.  A bit terrifying, but fascinating.  A lot of the self-help books/posts/etc say to get rid of toxic friends, but how does one quantify which friends are truly toxic - this app will quantify which friends are toxic.

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