Monday, February 16, 2015

Weekly Goals

Let's see how I did last week:

1) Finish Manila leggings and take pictures

2) Make (and mail) scarf for swap CHECK

3) Read 1 book CHECK

Woohoo 2/3 complete!  I read a book (follow me on GoodReads), and I made/mailed the scarf for the swap (a post is upcoming once I figure out an efficient method for uploading the pictures I took).  I also did do a little work on the Manila leggings while I was sewing.  Attaching the waistband is causing me a bit of trouble, but I think I have it sorted.  Unfortunately, it's going to be much too cold this week to venture downstairs for any length of time (unfinished basement problems).  

As for steps last week:

Monday: 1,589
Tuesday: 4,908
Wednesday: 3,549
Thursday: 4,992
Friday: 2,700
Saturday: 3,339
Sunday: 1,810

ARG THOR'S DAY!  8 steps to goal!  I didn't realize until just now how close I was!!!!  To be fair, I made that (and more!) during aquatherapy in the pool (where I don't wear my FitBit as I'm worried about damaging it).  I also likely made goal on Tuesday as well due to aquatherapy.

Now, for this week I'll:

1) Keep a pain journal
2) Start The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood
3) Write post on the scarf exchange!

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