Sunday, September 29, 2013
One of the things that was emphasized during my college years in Greek Life was philanthropy. I bring this into my life after college in the form of volunteering for an animal shelter. This is no ordinary shelter, but a foster-based shelter. Where people help mostly abandoned and puppy mill survivors to find happy forever homes where they are loved. The big event for this year is happening today so that is where I will be for the entirety of the day tomorrow. I'm to man the raffle table for the day with backup for two of the dogs. I'll be dreaming of the day I can afford one of the absolutely adorable Kate Spade Beau Bags.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Apartment Decor
I have been thinking a lot about my apartment's decor. Right now it's a mishmash of stuff that I have accumulated over the years. Nothing is painted, nothing really goes together. It's just in the only place I could think to put it. But, as I have decided to make this my home until I buy a house, I must start putting things in an aesthetically pleasing way. I've been obsessing on Pinterest trying to define a style so I can perhaps start making changes to the apartment.
My 101 in 1001 list touches on this - for instance, #2, #12, #13, #26, etc. I want nothing more than to live in a space that I can be proud of. A space that makes me excited to have guests. Not flinch at the idea of what others see when they step into my place.
My apartment is wonderful, but it has its quirks. I need to learn to work around it. I'd love to pay attention to psychological effects of colors and bring in some feng shui. I came across this infographic - and it's really interesting.
![Psychology of Color [Infographic]](
I've been leaning towards green in my bedroom, so it's nice to see that there is a reason. I have a big dresser that I adore, but that needs some serious TLC. I am hesitant to do so because it belonged to my mother, and I don't want to screw anything up. Another consideration is that it's old. I think at one point my mom told me it was about 100 years old. Even more reason to not want to screw anything up. Also most of the alterations I would want to do require some sort of paint or staining or sanding or something that needs to be done in a well ventilated area. My apartment is not a well ventilated area, and the weather doesn't really allow for stuff to happen for very long outside. It's a conundrum.
I'll be sure to keep you in the loop while I go.
My 101 in 1001 list touches on this - for instance, #2, #12, #13, #26, etc. I want nothing more than to live in a space that I can be proud of. A space that makes me excited to have guests. Not flinch at the idea of what others see when they step into my place.
My apartment is wonderful, but it has its quirks. I need to learn to work around it. I'd love to pay attention to psychological effects of colors and bring in some feng shui. I came across this infographic - and it's really interesting.
![Psychology of Color [Infographic]](
Courtesy of NowSourcing, Inc
I've been leaning towards green in my bedroom, so it's nice to see that there is a reason. I have a big dresser that I adore, but that needs some serious TLC. I am hesitant to do so because it belonged to my mother, and I don't want to screw anything up. Another consideration is that it's old. I think at one point my mom told me it was about 100 years old. Even more reason to not want to screw anything up. Also most of the alterations I would want to do require some sort of paint or staining or sanding or something that needs to be done in a well ventilated area. My apartment is not a well ventilated area, and the weather doesn't really allow for stuff to happen for very long outside. It's a conundrum.
I'll be sure to keep you in the loop while I go.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Friday Favorites
What I'm loving this week:
Have you tried Cookie Clicker? It's extraordinarily addictive. You won't be able to stop!
Sometimes we all need a pick-me-up. Gala Darling created this list of movies to cheer you up.
I just took out my TRX and set it up. I walked the boy through a quick workout - he loved it. Now I just have to create a schedule and stick with it. Here's to getting back in shape!
I also need to start thinking about branding for my blog. I'm not sure where to start so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I guess I might want to wait on this just a bit until I get a feel for what I'm going to do with this space. My own space in the vast wilds of the interwebs.
What has been interesting to you this week?
Have you tried Cookie Clicker? It's extraordinarily addictive. You won't be able to stop!
Sometimes we all need a pick-me-up. Gala Darling created this list of movies to cheer you up.
I just took out my TRX and set it up. I walked the boy through a quick workout - he loved it. Now I just have to create a schedule and stick with it. Here's to getting back in shape!
I also need to start thinking about branding for my blog. I'm not sure where to start so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I guess I might want to wait on this just a bit until I get a feel for what I'm going to do with this space. My own space in the vast wilds of the interwebs.
What has been interesting to you this week?
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Embracing Imperfections and Limitations
As a part of my 101 in 1001 endeavors, I will be watching ten TED talks. This is the first one.
This talk resonated with me and made me think about what I consider to be my imperfections and limitations. Places where my ability does not live up to my passions. Most of the time it's my body that holds me back from the things I want/need to do. Something that sticks out in my mind is a moment from the 2012 Vermont Spartan Beast. I was probably most of the way through and was struggling down the mountain. My knees hurt, my body hurt, and I had been racing for at least seven hours. I was pushing forward because I felt that stopping was not an option, though I wanted it to end. I was ashamed it had taken me so long to get to where I had been.
I asked the person running next to me (passing me) what time he had started (much later than I did). And I laughed, it seemed the only thing to do. He had clearly gone much faster through the course than I. When I responded with when I had started, he looked at my limping gait and asked if I was ok. I told him of my struggles with Lyme and whatnot, and he looked at me in awe. He told me that I was really beating him because I got extra time simply because I was attempting this with the Lyme.
I was doing well, given what I had been given. Just because people say you won't be great going along the way they think everything should be done. You have to find your own way to do things - things that allow your "limitations" to become your strengths.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
101 in 1001
101 in 1001
These are not bucket list items. These are meant to be everyday things that expand and enrich my life. I give myself 1001 days to complete the 101 items. So, they should be done by June 16, 2016
1. Create the list (September 2013)
2. Finish my wall of art
3. Set up a schedule for posting on the blog
4. Start taking "outfit of the day" shots to create a section on the blog
5. Wardrobe overhaul
6. Invest in a classic handbag
7. Drink 8 glasses of water (or 1 gallon) every day for one week
8. See all the Harry Potter movies
9. Send fifty handwritten notes (6/50)
10. Visit a city I've never been to before
11. Revisit Boston
12. Catch up on all the magazines I have
13. Throw out or donate twenty things and do not replace them
14. Create an official address book with friends' and family's information
15. Send out Christmas Cards
16. Spend a day with siblings doing whatever they want, all paid for by me
17. Wear makeup for every day for twenty-one days
18. Make ten recipes off of Pinterest
19. Send my mom and stepmom flowers out of the blue
20. Learn calligraphy
21. Read 100 new books
22. Get a facial
23. Get my nails done for Orchid Ball
25. Go camping
26. Revitalize five pieces of furniture 4/5 (Nightstand x2, Desk, Makeup container - October 2013)
27. Go to the top of the Empire State Building
28. Go zip lining
29. Have a friend take a portrait for my blog
30. See ten "classic" films
31. Get a DSLR camera
32. Find out my blood type
33. Go skydiving
34. Finish my Renaissance Faire costume
35. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
36. Donate old clothes
37. Surprise the boy with something special
38. Donate money to a friend's charitable cause (September 2013)
39. Clean out kitchen
40. Run a 10k
41. Develop an exercise regimen and stick to it for 21 days
42. Take a yoga class
43. Visit five new states
44. Learn how to shoot a gun
45. Learn to snowboard
46. Write a short story
47. Have boudoir pictures taken
48. Give twenty "just because" gifts
49. Achieve target weight
50. Research Dad's side of the family back to immigration to USA
51. See one of the wonders of the world
52. Visit ten new museums
53. Work with an interior designer (or design-minded friend) for one room in my apartment
54. Work on Inbox Zero
55. Get personalized stationary
56. Buy a Hermés scarf
58. Floss everyday for one month
59. Purchase and learn photo editing software
60. Go tubing on a river
62. Make my college t-shirt quilt
63. Pay off credit card debt
64. Put together a master birthday calendar and send birthday cards
65. Get up without pressing snooze for one week
66. Avoid eating out for one month
67. Participate in 31 days
68. Build a wardrobe look-book
69. Make 20 things off of Pinterest (not food)
70. Learn to throw a football
71. Discover 30 new restaurants
72. Complete a blog challenge (like A-Z, Something from here, etc)
73. Buy myself flowers every week for a month
74. Spend a week Facebook free
75. Figure out a way to showcase my jewelry
76. Go paintballing
77. See the northern lights
78. See a movie in the theatre by myself
79. Go Geocaching
80. Complete 30 miles in 30 days challenge
81. Leave 100% tip
82. Have my palms read
83. Design the blog to reflect my personal style/content
84. Unsubscribe from as many email services as possible
85. Subscribe to one more style magazine
86. Subscribe to one good home DIY magazine
87. Subscribe to one good cooking magazine
88. Take a free online class
89. Start donating monthly to the Phi Rho Foundation
90. Attend a group
91. Dye my hair
92. Finish writing the book
93. Watch 10 different TED talks and review/talk about them on the blog (1/10)
94. Micro-finance 10 female-owned businesses via Kiva
95. 200 Sit Ups challenge
96. 200 squats challenge
97. Write a letter to myself to open on my 30th birthday
98. Buy something from Tiffany's
99. Find an updo and make it my go-to
100. Take one class a season
101. Save $20 for each goal accomplished
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Today is about balance
Learning to balance this illness with what I want to do is difficult. If I do too much, I'm out of the game the next day and possibly the day after as well. If I don't do enough, I feel as though I'm giving in to the pain.
I also need to balance life and work. This is something I have always struggled with. For me, it seems like it's an either-or proposition. Either I work OR I have a life. And, unfortunately, work has always been the priority. I believe it's the need to be successful in tangible ways that drives me. As though my status in life is a contest with my peers.
I also have a tendency to downplay accomplishments that I consider to have been "easy". It usually isn't until someone points out how it wasn't as simple or easy as I had been telling myself - that truly, it was something to be proud of - that I begin to see it as an accomplishment. I suppose i have different ways of viewing things than everyone else. There are things that need to be done, so you buckle down and make sure they get done - regardless of their difficulty.
I need to get out of the house for more than just work. So yesterday I went to a live podcast recording of Sex Nerd Sandra at Tabu in Philly. It was wonderful. Less educational and more laughter and being open about sex and boundaries and what makes people uncomfortable. Also a big discussion as to whether pouring H2O2 into your vagina while on your period would be a good idea. And what H2O2 actually does to blood. I laughed and really enjoyed myself.
I also discovered my new go-to drink when I'm in a gin kind of mood - a pink elephant. I believe it's made of grenadine and gin - delicious. Perhaps a bit of lime.
What I wore last night:
I also need to balance life and work. This is something I have always struggled with. For me, it seems like it's an either-or proposition. Either I work OR I have a life. And, unfortunately, work has always been the priority. I believe it's the need to be successful in tangible ways that drives me. As though my status in life is a contest with my peers.
I also have a tendency to downplay accomplishments that I consider to have been "easy". It usually isn't until someone points out how it wasn't as simple or easy as I had been telling myself - that truly, it was something to be proud of - that I begin to see it as an accomplishment. I suppose i have different ways of viewing things than everyone else. There are things that need to be done, so you buckle down and make sure they get done - regardless of their difficulty.
I need to get out of the house for more than just work. So yesterday I went to a live podcast recording of Sex Nerd Sandra at Tabu in Philly. It was wonderful. Less educational and more laughter and being open about sex and boundaries and what makes people uncomfortable. Also a big discussion as to whether pouring H2O2 into your vagina while on your period would be a good idea. And what H2O2 actually does to blood. I laughed and really enjoyed myself.
I also discovered my new go-to drink when I'm in a gin kind of mood - a pink elephant. I believe it's made of grenadine and gin - delicious. Perhaps a bit of lime.
What I wore last night:
And jeans with my new Toms shoes. I brought a jean jacket with me as it was a bit chilly. Also, this is officially my new favorite shirt. It's so beyond comfortable, and I don't look like a complete slob (always a good thing). This is an adventure in dressing for me - not worrying about what other people might think about what I'm wearing, whether it makes me look "fat", but whether I like wearing it. I want to be comfortable and confident in the clothes I'm wearing. It seems like a no-brainer, but I've evolved so much that I'm not sure where my tastes lay right now. So I'll experiment.
Right now I'm leaning towards a preppy-eqsue look. I'm loving monograms and really want something to wear my sorority letters on. Seeing the letters the college girls around my town wear makes me miss wearing my own. I doubt I'll wear t-shirts and hoodies like in college, but I'd go for subtle things - a lavalier or polos or something. I haven't decided. Plus, anything I get has to be custom because most places don't carry my sorority. Alas.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Today I'm thinking about Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is not about pain. Well, it is, considering it is characterized by pain, but there's more to it than just pain. There's the feeling of helplessness - anything you do causes pain. And if it doesn't cause pain today, it may very well do so tomorrow. There's the depression that comes with being so overwhelmed by every single activity and responsibility. Checking email becomes an impossible task. Responding to text messages is anxiety ridden and requires several drafts before the final can be sent if I respond at all. I've also lost all athletic ability that I had. Stairs are the enemy. Driving is the enemy. I'm exhausted for the rest of the day from simply going to get the mail. It's frustrating and, in my opinion, absolutely ridiculous.
But I cannot allow it to rule my life. I cannot pause my life until I have this under control. I have to live mindfully. I cannot pass up an opportunity that will enrich my soul due to fear of pain. I cannot give up something today in fear of missing something tomorrow. Every day is a way for me to get stronger, both in body and mind. I need to be aware of my needs, and be able to express them to those around me.
Perhaps this is the Universe telling me that I need to learn to ask for help.
Just a thought.
Be well,
But I cannot allow it to rule my life. I cannot pause my life until I have this under control. I have to live mindfully. I cannot pass up an opportunity that will enrich my soul due to fear of pain. I cannot give up something today in fear of missing something tomorrow. Every day is a way for me to get stronger, both in body and mind. I need to be aware of my needs, and be able to express them to those around me.
Perhaps this is the Universe telling me that I need to learn to ask for help.
Just a thought.
Be well,
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