Thursday, September 26, 2013

Embracing Imperfections and Limitations

As a part of my 101 in 1001 endeavors, I will be watching ten TED talks.  This is the first one.

This talk resonated with me and made me think about what I consider to be my imperfections and limitations.  Places where my ability does not live up to my passions.  Most of the time it's my body that holds me back from the things I want/need to do.  Something that sticks out in my mind is a moment from the 2012 Vermont Spartan Beast.  I was probably most of the way through and was struggling down the mountain.  My knees hurt, my body hurt, and I had been racing for at least seven hours.  I was pushing forward because I felt that stopping was not an option, though I wanted it to end.  I was ashamed it had taken me so long to get to where I had been.

I asked the person running next to me (passing me) what time he had started (much later than I did).  And I laughed, it seemed the only thing to do.  He had clearly gone much faster through the course than I.  When I responded with when I had started, he looked at my limping gait and asked if I was ok.  I told him of my struggles with Lyme and whatnot, and he looked at me in awe.  He told me that I was really beating him because I got extra time simply because I was attempting this with the Lyme.

I was doing well, given what I had been given.  Just because people say you won't be great going along the way they think everything should be done.  You have to find your own way to do things - things that allow your "limitations" to become your strengths.


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