Monday, October 14, 2013


For some reason I was thinking about boobs last night.  More in the philosophical sense than in the actual sense.  Mine have always been a prominent part of my appearance.  

No matter what I'm doing, whether they're strapped down with a too small sports bra, they are IN YOUR FACE

Now, I know that this is a "high class" problem, and I shouldn't be complaining, and I'm really not - it's more of the fact that mammary glands are what a lot of people use as a high value factor for determining someone's attractiveness.  Check out Maxim's Hot 100 for 2013 they are all boob-tastic.  (Yes, that's the word I'm going to use).  

But what if we didn't have them?  What if I didn't have them?  What would make me attractive? Anthropologically speaking, they have a very necessary function in the reproductive cycle.  But since we have evolved from cavemen, they are less "necessary", but are still a focal (hehe) point on a woman's body.  

I really don't know why I've been spending so much time thinking about boobs and their effect on the way I interact with society.  Perhaps it is the focus of the media on them that has caused me to question my status in the "boob-world".  

Correction, I always have questioned my status in the "boob-world" because my boobs don't look like any others I have seen.  Friends have been envious of mine, while I was envious of theirs - theirs were normal and being normal is what I have always wanted.

I've always been self-conscious, and my boobs have definitely played a roll in that.  For some reason it's always been some sort of competition to have the biggest cleavage.  Now, I don't get that sort of cleavage that most people seem to be able to do..... 

Which, on one hand, sort of bothers me.  But at the same time... how could I function comfortably with those kinds of boobs?  

Boobs are a conundrum, friends, a conundrum.  Especially in our hyper-female-sexualized society.  

Do you have any thoughts on boobs?

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