Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekly Goals!

Let's see how we did last week on our (my) goals:

  1. Finish spray painting the other nightstand and put in place
  2. Create a bedtime routine that includes going through one magazine before bed
  3. Go to the bank and get quarters and continue working on mount washmore
  4. Move the boy's bookcase to the new corner and begin the process of filling it with cookbooks and canned goods
  5. Begin cleanup of second bedroom aka removing obvious trash.  

Number 1 - Accomplished!  I made a bit of a mistake that ended up looking really cool - did you know that clear spray paint is not actually a coating for other spray paints?  It'll actually make the original paint alligator all over the place... plus it got a bit of rain on it.... so what did I do to fix it?  Add spray paint in navy over the white - and it came out looking like the sea (at least that's what I'm telling myself it looks like).  Either way the boy loves it so that's what matters most.

Number 2 - Working on it.  At this point I'm usually so exhausted by the time I get to bed that I just crash and pass out almost instantaneously or I play on my phone until I get too tired to function.  So that's an in progress......

Number 3 - Done and done!  Woot!  Got a bunch of laundry done this weekend.

Number 4 - DONE!  WOOOOOO!!!!!! Now I have a bookshelf right next to my desk that matches (it's white!).  Oh Ikea.....

Number 5 - Did a teeny tiny bit... so it's going back on for next week.  I SHALL CONQUER IT!  

So this week:

  1. Create a bedtime routine that includes going through one magazine before bed
  2. Continue working on mount washmore
  3. Begin cleanup of second bedroom aka removing obvious trash
  4. Hang two things on the gallery wall
  5. Organize and photograph my desk so you can see the improvements! (they are many!)

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