Monday, October 7, 2013

Chicken Snuggling and other thoughts

Today, I leave you with a picture of me snuggling a chicken.  Why am I snuggling a chicken?  Because I was at the my CSA farm opening where one could hold chickens, and why would one not, given a choice, snuggle a chicken.  It's not like it's something everyone gets to do everyday.

I woke up on Saturday with a sense of purpose.  There are a lot of things happening, and I hope to have many pictures to show you as they take shape.

Wingback chairs are being given a new life; my couch will have a slipcover, and many other pieces of furniture will be moving around and finding new locations to be.  Now that I am finally living in one location for the next few years (until I am able to buy a house), I will be making it less like a half dorm half apartment to being an adult dwelling.

You know, because I'm an adult... or at least I pretend to be one most days.


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