Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Life is full of challenges, the trick is to choose your battles, so to speak.  Right now my biggest challenges are physical.  My body just isn't up to doing what I want to do.  And if I do attempt something that's beyond what my body decides its up to, I'm an invalid the day after.  And, of course there is really no knowing what my limits are.  So I've decided to throw caution to the wind and sign up for a couple of virtual races.

A virtual race is run on your own time on your own recognizance.  It's completely on the honor system that you will complete the distance in the time allotted to you.  Many virtual races allow for a couple of weeks for you do to the milage due to weather issues, timing issues, and people wanting to double dip their milage for another race.

I have signed up for two virtual races.  One is the Florida Halloween Halfathon and 5k where I will have between October 19 and November 3 to complete the 5k.  Totally doable, right?  I will likely not be running these, as I'm pretty sure my body is just not up for that, but walking 3.1 miles?  That feels like a reasonable goal.

The second virtual race is hosted by a blogger I greatly admire, Margaret Schlachter who writes Dirt In Your Skirt, a blog about obstacle course racing among other things.  She is hosting a Holiday Fifty or One Hundred Challenge where between the dates of November 25 and January 1, you run at least fifty or one hundred miles, depending on what you sign up for.  I have signed up for the Holiday Fifty because I feel that distance is doable in that time frame, even given my bodily setbacks.  Once I complete the fifty miles, I will consider myself ready to start training properly again.  I have been eyeing my TRX setup on my bedroom door just waiting to start.

I miss the feeling of accomplishment right after a good workout.

What races are you gearing up for?  Do you have any goals for the end of the year?  Let me know!  

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